authors · books

dear author.

Last year Mindy Hoffar (the leader of All-Write) had shared an exchange of letters between a student and Laurie Halse Anderson from the book Dear Author: Letters of Hope (Top young adult authors respond to kids’ toughest issues) edited by Joan F. Kaywell.

A few weeks ago, it jumped off the shelf at me while I was perusing the shelves of my town library. It is a treasure chest for teachers.

  1. The letters exchanged give incredible insight into the lives of teenagers. (Not to mention, provide great mentor texts for reading response.)
  2. The end of the book has information about the authors, books, and websites.
  3. I now have a list as long as my arm of books I want to read because I’ve learned how they’ve impacted someone else. I’m sure the same thing would happen to our students.
  4. The introduction was written by Catherine Ryan Hyde, the author of Pay it Forward. I’ve read the introduction six times now and continue to be moved by it. I have to read it once more before I return the book this afternoon.

Quite simply, it’s one of those books that is screaming to be read aloud in classrooms. And it makes me ache for a classroom of my own so I could give it a place to shine.