friday poetry · poetry

Poetry Friday: Each of Us Has a Name

poetry-friday.jpgWe got married by two rabbis. One of them is a friend from college, the other our rabbi from NYC. In this case our rabbi from NYC, Felicia Sol, delivered a beautiful sermon while we were under the chuppah (pictured with us here). She shared a beautiful poem in her sermon entitled, “Each of Us Has A Name,” which is by Zelda. I found it moving and therefore, that’s why I’m sharing it in this forum today.
Photo by Zlatko Batistich.

Each of Us Has A Name

Each of us has a name
given by God
and given by our parents

Each of us has a name
given by our stature and our smile
and given by what we wear

Each of us has a name
given by the mountains
and given by our walls

Each of us has a name
given by the stars
and given by our neighbors

Click here to read the rest of the stanzas.

Poetry Friday is being hosted by AmoXcalli.

5 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Each of Us Has a Name

  1. Lovely! Somehow it is comforting to hear we have names given by our “failures” as well as our triumphs. The circle satisfies. What a great poem for a wedding. Thanks for sharing it here!


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