writing workshop

It’s So Simple

On Monday I attended an All-Write meeting with literacy coaches across Indiana & Michigan. One line from the meeting has been glued to my mind. Kristen Horrell and Karla Hayden commented about Workshop teaching: “It’s so simple!” they said.

Sometimes we spend our time making things more complicated than they need to be. If we stop ourselves and ask, What are the basic needs for my students as readers and writers?  I think we’ll find quite a simple list. Here is a start (only a start), because I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about the most critical needs for our students as readers and writers.

  • A personal purpose for writing.
  • An interesting book with accessible text.
  • Time to read and write.

6 thoughts on “It’s So Simple

  1. When you put it that way, it does sound so simple. I would add that every student needs a teacher who is also a writer and can appreciate and understand being in their “writing” shoes.


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