books · quote

Words that are Speaking to Me

THE JADE NOTEBOOK by Laura Resau, Delacorte Press, a division of Random House, 2012 (review copy provided)

THE JADE NOTEBOOK and Laura Resau are all kinds of inspiration for me right now. Check out Ruth Ayres Writes next week as I share more (and bring back the Discover. Play. Build. Challenge). Meanwhile, be sure to check out Laura Resau’s blog, Ocean in a Saucer. You won’t be disappointed.

A beautiful mess. I often claim this phrase. It has layers of meaning for me and I’m constantly learning more about the beautiful mess of life. I like this image. So it’s no surprise that these words from THE JADE NOTEBOOK by Laura Resau speak to me:

His voice softens, almost inaudible now. “You know, your life will be a mess too, Zeeta.”

It’s as if he can look right inside to my deepest fear. “Maybe not,” I say weakly, staring at the dark ocean.

“Oh, it will, sooner or later. But that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy it.”

I close my notebook, trying to keep my voice steady. “My life has been a mess for the past seventeen years. There’s no where to go but neater.”

He grins into the darkness. “Life can always get messier.”

—Laura Resau, The Jade Notebook (95)

3 thoughts on “Words that are Speaking to Me

  1. I am not familiar with author Laura Resau, but now that you’ve posted this story and quote, I am interested in taking a “pique” at her books! I was also thinking about how the words are speaking to you. These words also remind me of something Sister MarieEllen used to say to us, “Life is messy sometimes. It’s supposed to be-and that’s ok.”


  2. What a fascinating author, but yet so down to earth. I love, love, love her fifties rig of a trailer. I wonder if my husband can build me a little house in the back forty of our yard. If not, I will decorate my computer desk cubby. You/she are an inspiration to my writing.


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