books · process · quote

It’s Late…

One of my professional goals this summer is to get ahead on my blog posts. So far I’m failing miserably at this. We’ve been out of internet since 6:17 am. It’s back (but slow) and I’m blogging, hoping I start accomplishing my blog-ahead goal soon. So for tonight’s post you get a little collection of random thoughts.

  • I spent some time looking at a keynote I delivered in 2010. I came across this quote by Brene Brown: “I’m convinced that owning our story and loving ourselves through the process is the bravest thing we can do.” It’s beautiful, isn’t it?
  • I’ve been hearing/reading/thinking about authors who have multiple projects in the works at one time. I am currently one of those writers, and I’m not so sure I appreciate the multiple-project perspective. Many writers talk about how this is energizing to them and part of their process. I find myself feeling like there isn’t enough time and I’m spinning my wheels not really moving forward. Although, at the same time, I feel like my creativity floodgates are wide open. Perhaps this is due to multiple projects in the works.
  • I’m scared…like totally scared.…to deliver this upcoming keynote. It’s a big message. It’s an important message. And I hope I don’t mess it up. I think this is what Linda Urban meant in Hound Dog True (that Colby Sharp is making famous) when she wrote, “You can’t have brave without scared.” Right now I’m just feeling scared. I’m hoping brave comes around soon.
  • My friend Barb Bean suggested I read Okay For Now by Gary D. Schmidt. I’m in the middle of it and WOW. In fact, it’s the main reason I’m ending this post…so I can grab a few more pages before bed. (I’m using it as a bribe for myself. Hannah wants to read a book that I asked her to let me read ahead of her. She’s chomping at the bit to read it and doesn’t seem to care that I’m in the middle of one of the best books I’ve read for awhile. So I get a few pages in Okay For Now every time I read five chapters in her book.)
Okay For Now by Gary D. Schmidt

8 thoughts on “It’s Late…

  1. Take a deep breath and know what I know…that the bravery you need will come in time. Remember how you believe in trusting the process? I know you and your process and I have complete faith in both.


  2. I love that quote from Hound Dog True and just used it last week for a friend switching careers. Writing scares me but I’ve gotten better at it. I think that allows me to grow. I know the same will be true for you. And I’ve seen you present and you were amazing. I am sure the Keynote will be too but I feel for you. Public speaking makes me want to curl up and hide. đŸ™‚ (I still do it but it is sooooo hard!)


  3. If you weren’t scared, you would not be normal. But I’m sure all will be well. Thanks for the Brene Brown quote. “Loving ourselves through the process” is not only brave but necessary because that love comes through in the writing. I also love Judy’ butterfly quote. Keep them flying. And don’t forget to have fun!


  4. Sorry to hear you are frazzled at the moment. I’m sure you will great on your keynote – whenever I get nervous, I remember our music director telling us that it’s okay to have butterflies, just keep them flying in formation. Love your book bargaining with your daughter.


  5. Sorry you’re so frazzled & best wishes on the keynote. I also think that if you weren’t scared, it wouldn’t be good. It still doesn’t help the feeling though. I loved Okay for Now, better than The Wednesday Wars, but even that is really good. Fun to hear about your book bargaining! cheers Ruth!


  6. I love Okay for Now! Isn’t it great when reading a few chapters becomes a reward? Hound Dog True is in my summer stack, just waiting for school to be out so that I can squeeze in more time for reading, walking, and writing camp.


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