Slice of Life Story Challenge · Write: It's good for you!

Pumping Up for March Slice of Life Challenge!

It’s time to start talking and imagining and getting excited about the 6th Annual Slice of Life Challenge. Here are a few things to begin considering.

  1. If you’ve never participated, now is the time! You’ll need to start a blog. I promise you can do this. If you have any questions, just ask. Stacey or I can help you or connect you with a “seasoned slicer” who will answer your questions. Don’t let the fear of starting a blog keep you from doing the challenge.
  2. On the issue of fear: we all have it. Every single writer — professional or not — is scared of putting words on the page. Anyone who says otherwise doesn’t for-real write. Maybe you aren’t afraid of the techy-side of things. Maybe you are afraid of your ability to write. Maybe you are afraid of your stories being worthy. Maybe you are afraid of adding one more thing to your to-do list. Maybe being afraid is just what we need to write. I know when I’m afraid, it means I’m writing with honesty and authenticity. I also know you’re not the kind of person who lets a little scared get in the way.
  3. This challenge began with Stacey’s and my passion for teachers of writers and wanting to support them in becoming more insightful teachers of writers. The best way to do this is to be teachers who write. We are grateful that others, from outside the field of education, have joined us. This makes our community even richer and helps us, as teachers, understand lives outside of school even more clearly. Many teachers have also extended this challenge to their classrooms. This year we are growing our vision of the challenge to help connect slicing-classrooms. However, our hearts remain with our original intent — becoming teachers who write. Please don’t place this expectation on your classroom if you aren’t going to participate yourself. This defeats the purpose of the challenge and perpetuates myths about writing taught by teachers who don’t write themselves. You may want to consider starting a classroom blog to share student slices and a personal blog to share your slices. Of course, they can also both be housed on the same blog and you make two posts each day — your slice of life and a student slice of life.
  4. There will be a new button color this year, as well as a different version of the button for slicing-classrooms. We’ll give more details about the slicing-classroom procedures when we reveal the buttons.
  5. Recently I “hung out” (via Google Hangouts) with Franki Sibberson’s classroom to share my excitement about the challenge and encourage them to consider joining this year. We talked about the challenge, defining it, and we talked about what they might gain from the challenge. Then they asked questions. Here is their blog post, written by a student, documenting our experience. (Check it out & leave them a comment!)

Finally, and most importantly, talk, Talk, TALK about the Slice of Life Challenge. If you’ve never participated, rope someone in and join together. If you have, start pushing it on others. There is nothing bad that will happen (other than the dusting and vacuuming may have to wait). Let’s start talking now…leave a comment and let us know your thoughts about the challenge.

17 thoughts on “Pumping Up for March Slice of Life Challenge!

  1. I challenged my third graders to write last year and six of them wrote every single day in March! I will also challenge my class this year and hopefully will have as much participation. The greatest part is that my partner teacher wants to join us with her class this year! Looking forward to March!


  2. Dana Murphy–It’s normal to be nervous, but don’t be. This is the most fabulously supportive community on the web/in the world you will ever find. The important thing is to just write. Start small with the Tuesday, Slices. March is just 31 Tuesdays!

    Donna Perry–Tuesdays and the month of March are for you to tell your story. There are no rules. You simply (LOL) write your life. Pick those little moments you want to remember for whatever reason and write. Then you come here and link your slice. There will be information about that later AND there will be people to help you make sure you do it “right” (the linking, not the writing. The writing is always right).

    Just stayed tuned here. Stacey and Ruth are the best ambassadors to a writing life….


  3. This year will be my second year to do the Slice of Life Challenge. Last year it helped me develop a writing habit that has stayed with me. Now I blog twice a week, Tuesday for SOL, and Friday for Poetry Friday.

    I want to get my students involved, too. We use a private kidblog, so I like the idea of opening a separate public blog for my students. I will begin planning now and send out a parent letter and permission form. Our network does not allow blogs, so I will have to post their writing when I get home from school each day. Is anyone else in the same boat with restrictions and privacy issues? Perhaps I could partner up with another teacher and we could use a joint kidblog. I’m not sure which route would work best. Any ideas?


  4. Can you direct me to the site that gives more information about what the requirements are for the Slice of Life? How much daily time does it take? I’ve done blogs in the past but it has been a while so I might need some guidance. I am so overloaded as a new teacher but have that feeling inside that I’d like to join a group of such dedicated people. I agree with you whole heartedly that I will be a better teacher if I write more myself. By the way, I love everything that you both write. You two are amazing! Thank you for providing so much valuable information. Your book is great too!


  5. I’m so grateful that I did the personal challenge last year – talking the talk, walking the walk – I can tell my students that I do, indeed, write regularly. This year they will be doing it as well. I have no idea how I will coordinate things, but the 89 students who travel through the 5th grade ELA classes in room 113 will represent in 2013! Yeeha!


  6. I started last year, and this year I am super excited! I am even talking with my high school students about blogging in March for the challenge. Not sure about the procedures….Any information available that I could share with my students?


  7. I jumped in last year and started slicing with my students in March. I’ve contined writing all year. What a fun journey this has been! I’m hoping that I get to join the list of year-round slicers in March. If you’re thinking about joining us, think no longer!


  8. Can’t wait. Last year’s challenge helped me to make progress on my practicum study (now finished and defended) as well as to blog more. This year I’m working on my dissertation and looking to blog more. I love the community this challenge builds for writing teachers!


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