writer's notebook · writing

WN Collecting Idea

Writer Jordana Horn went into her son’s class, filled with seven and eight year-old kids, earlier this month to lead a session on journaling. She asked the students to write what they don’t ‘get’ about adults and what they will definitely do/not do when they are adults.  She transcribed part of the conversation she had and shared it on her Facebook page.  The back and forth she had with the kids was delightful so I asked her if I could share it in this forum.  Thankfully, she said yes.  Here it is:

kid 1: I don’t understand why grownups drink coffee.
me: That’s a good one.
kid 2: Why do grownups like yoga? It’s so boring.
me: Write that down!
kid 3: Why are adults tired all the time, even when they wake up?
me: Another good question.
kid 4: I don’t understand why grownups drink pickle juice.
me: Pickle juice?
kid 4: My parents were having a party and I came downstairs and they told me to go back to bed because they were really busy drinking a lot of pickle juice.

In addition to getting a little laugh from this, I thought this might be something you’d like to use with your students when you get writer’s notebooks started this-coming fall.  (I know that seems a long way away, but it’s never too early to start collecting ideas, is it?)

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