slice of life


“A story is a letter that the author writes to himself, to tell himself things that he would be unable to discover otherwise.”
― Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind

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It is time to write your Slice, share your link, and give some comments to (at least three) other slicers. Our writing community is built on the support and encouragement we offer each other every Tuesday.  It’s a sprit best exemplified by slicers like Linda and Elsie, who reach out to so many of us, read thoughtfully, and leave meaningful comments.  We are, blessedly so, a large community.  So perhaps we could start to “reach out and touch someone” new  every Slice of Life  Tuesday?  Join us!

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66 thoughts on “WRITE, SHARE, GIVE: SOLS TIME

  1. Every time I see that orange box, it makes me rethink my posts…part of me wonders if I shouldn’t link up because my post is more of a list but it truly is a great look back over my life in the last year according to my blog. I’m super proud of all I have shared and love reflecting on it all. Thanks to everyone who has come to visit!


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