back to school · bulletin boards · jim vopat · writers

CWP Bulletin Board

Unlike New York City, my school doesn’t require me to put a task card or list the standards for things I place on bulletin boards. Hence, I’m at a loss for what to do with the big open space on the Celebrity Writer Profile Bulletin Board I put in the hallway outside of my classroom.

Any suggestions?

7 thoughts on “CWP Bulletin Board

  1. Okay, after reading more posts I see that you are teaching in a heavenly school where all the teachers are workshop teachers, so you don’t need to post the standards to prove to the teachers in your school that you are teaching the standards. It might be nice for the rest of us in the world who read your blog and share it with nonworkshop teachers. Let’s show the world that teaching standards isn’t difficult. It just happens.


  2. What if you went ahead and posted the standards? So many of the teachers I work with seem to think that if you teach workshop style you don’t teach the standards. Since you are already in the habit of posting the standards, it might be nice for the teachers around you to see you post them.


  3. What if they created collages that show just a little part of who they are…the type of writer, reader, athlete, gamer…what have you, to show the similarities and differences among the class. They could even find quotes and display names of authors that they identify with. Not sure what grade you teach, but I’d love to try this with older kids.


  4. how about profiling some favorite authors like christopher paul curtis or gary paulsen? you could change it up throughout the year too, as you get to know what your kids are reading.


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