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WN Entry: A gift that really sticks in my memory

My grandmother passed away nearly seven months ago. In the days prior to her death she was lucid. I tried asking her lots of questions about her life, but she was in pain and didn’t really feel like answering me. I even asked her, “Tell me something you’ve never told me before.” She came up with nothing. I believe this was not because she didn’t have stories to tell, but because her breathing was so labored in her final days.

Hence, when I saw THE BOOK OF MYSELF: A DO-IT-YOURSELF AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN 201 QUESTIONS at Barnes & Noble the following weekend, I grabbed it off of the shelf, paid for it, and started to write. I’ve done quite a few pages from this book here’s one of my entries that I wrote about a gift that really sticks out in my memory.

Meaningful Gift – Muttsey, originally uploaded by teachergal.

My goal is to have the entries in this book completed in increments. The “early years” need to be completed before I have kids. The “middle years” section should be finished by the time I’m 50 years old, and the “later years” should be finished by the time I’m 80, so that my grandkids won’t have to wonder, like I do every day, about the life my grandmother before I knew her.

6 thoughts on “WN Entry: A gift that really sticks in my memory

  1. Love it Stacey…. we taped my greatgrandmother prior to her health failing. It is hard to understand her due to her deep Polish, however, I found myself playing it numerous times this summer. It is great that you have planned what you want to leave behind for your family…. ohhhh I feel an entry coming on! THANKS!


  2. I love what a planner you are! It makes me smile — especially the part of having 3 Muttsey’s already wrapped up in FAO Schwartz boxes. Quite cool . . . quite cool. 🙂


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