wn entry · Writer's Notebook Wednesday

ruth’s wn entry: grandma poems

So, I’ve been trying to write a poem for my grandma to mail to her along with this photo.  Over a year ago she had a stroke & although it’s difficult for her to communicate, I know she likes the mail.  I want my poem to show the qualities of my grandma that my dad says he sees in me.  It’s not going so well.  We took the photo in July & I’ve been struggling since to get the words to come out.   Here are a couple of attempts at it from a notebook entry I wrote today.

Big squishy hugs
so tight that
I thought I might suffocate.

Chandelier earrings
catching light
with each
tip of her head.

Whole wheat pancakes
so thick and fluffy and rich
cooked in mountains of butter.

Shoe shopping
just for me
because she understood the passion.


Dad Says
Dad says you always invited
strangers to dinner
who needed food.

Dad says you always filled
the extra room
with strangers needing a place to stay.

Dad says you gave money
to strangers in need.

Dad says you insisted on
memorizing scripture.

Dad says I’m a lot like you.

And I’m beginning to see it.

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