poetry · writing workshop

Stacey’s First of Eight Poems

A One Week Poetry Challenge

First Draft of A Recipe Poem
Written by Me

1 paper cut on the pinky from a Word Study Sheet
2 small cuts on the thumb from carelessness
3 painful paper cuts on the middle finger from who-knows-what
5 too-short fingernails due to semi-recently removed wraps
An assortment of ripped-up cuticles and hangnails from daily wear-and-tear

Grab your car keys.
Put the key in the ignition.
Back-out of your parking spot.
Drive directly to the nearest, cleanest nail salon for some TLC.
Sit and relax for at least 30 minutes.
Purchase Aquaphor and Nailtiques upon leaving the nail salon so the pain goes away.
(Your hands will look better too!)

A more polished, sophisticated set of hands

I’m a bit embarrassed to show this photo of my right hand, but I thought the visual might add to the words.

5 thoughts on “Stacey’s First of Eight Poems

  1. Hi, Stacey — Thanks for putting another challenge out there! I like your recipe poem … and I I hope you enjoyed your manicure. I never do manicures because I mess them up so quickly, but I love pedicures, and I’m thrilled that sandal season is right around the corner!


  2. I never thought of writing recipe poems…what a great idea to add to my unit of study on poetry!!…thanks!
    yep…I think you deserve a trip to the salon to give your fingernails a little TLC! I went on Wed. got my toes done and then had a manicure for my nails…my fingers looked pretty bad but they look presentable now (hehe) Have a great satruday 😉


  3. I like recipe poems because they force you out of any preconceptions of what a poem might look like. You can add layers … like a cake.
    Hope yer fingers are better.

    Your friend in poems,


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