blogging · Reflective Practice

A Blogging Secret

I have a little secret about blogging. Sometimes I don’t feel like blogging. Sometimes I want to avoid the little post box. Sometimes, like right now, I’m so far behind on my email that I wonder if I will be eaten alive when I do open my inbox.  But I blog anyway.

I’ve realized I have this crazy mission in life to document my story and encourage others to do the same, all so we can connect and understand and make the world a better place. The thing is lots of times I don’t want to go through the opening of the computer and the waiting for the start up and the thinking of the words and the clacking of the keys. It would just be so much easier to curl up on the couch and play video games or read a book. But I blog anyway.

This week, during the tech workshop, several teachers started new blogs. Today during a meeting, two more people told me they started a blog. I’m hoping many of you who don’t have a blog will consider starting one (even if it is only to join us for the Slice of Life Challenge) and those of you who do have blogs will go off and make another post. Still I feel like I need to warn you (and those new bloggers) that sometimes you won’t feel like blogging. But it’s important to do it anyway.

Here’s a little list…


  1. You are reading. Seriously. Because you comment and I know there’s people who care and want to read, I blog.
  2. Andy brings me my computer. Pathetic, I know. But the underlying reason to the pathetic one is there is someone who is committed to kicking me in the pants when I don’t think I can do it anymore. There’s someone who is willing to hold me accountable.
  3. I want to be dependable.
  4. I’m a little scared of Stacey. 🙂 This is very good for my writing life. In fact, I think every writer should have someone they are afraid of disappointing. It is a very good way to build a writing habit.
  5. I ask students to write even when they don’t feel like it. I would feel a little bit like a hypocrite if I don’t write just because I don’t want to. How can I nudge students to write when they don’t want to if I don’t do it myself?
  6. I know it is easier to maintain the habit than to rebuild it.
  7. I get to practice the craft of brevity.
  8. I always, no matter what, always am glad to have blogged. I like being able to go back and say — Woah! Look at all I’ve written. This could be the only item on the list and it would be enough.

In the end, it’s worth it. It’s worth postponing the other things I might be doing so I can squeeze in a blog post. It’s worth writing even when I don’t want to, even when I think it’s stupid, even when I’m tired to my bones. It’s worth it. So I blog anyway.

11 thoughts on “A Blogging Secret

  1. Had a horrific past couple weeks and my blog has suffered. Thanks so much for reminding me we need to keep pushing the keys. Tomorrow with coffee the blog wilt continue. I love the idea of documenting a journey. i am learning so much from you both, and from others. Such a great climate of writing teachers at your fingertips!


  2. Thanks for sharing that you feel like this sometimes! Like some of the others, I started my blog because of you and it’s nice to know that even you, whom I look up to so much, sometimes don’t feel like blogging! Your list of reasons made me giggle and I felt like I related to all of them — thanks for demonstrating again the power that writing has to connect people! I especially like #5; what a thoughtful reflection linking your teaching and your own writing life!


  3. I’m on board with everyone else…I’m glad that you blog, whether in the mood or not. As for me, when I get “that feeling” (i.e. sheesh, I really don’t want to blog today) I think of my students’ faces at the start of writing workshop – at the end of the mini lesson, when I say: “okay, so let’s get to work!_ – and then I blog!


  4. I “fifth” what the others have said. I love when the TWT gadget on my igoogle shows a new post. Something to think about, something to laugh about, something to share. Always something.

    Like you, I get the guilts at times when I haven’t posted in a few days because I don’t feel like it. How can I ask, no expect, students to write and not write myself.

    So, enough stalling…I must go write….


  5. I love that Andy brings you the computer. And I love that you wrote this post– I can relate! You and Stacey can’t know the gift this blog is: you throw your passion, ideas, and love into the world. You can’t always see it once you toss it– but it goes and goes and goes. Thank you!


  6. Me, too! It’s been a truly amazing journey to be in this community, Ruth. And I get excited when I see there’s a new post on Two Writing Teachers. You do give us things to ‘chew on’ as Elsie so eloquently said. Sometimes when I get up so early to do my post, my husband comes down, gives me a pat, & says ‘you’re at it again, aren’t you?’ And I say ‘yes, wouldn’t miss it!’ That’s the feeling.


  7. I second what Elsie said: “You always give me something to mentally chew on.” I love that — see you get the comments and I get the bonus of reading your post and the comments! Me, I like #8 in your list. It’s so true — sometimes I look back and think, “I really wrote that??” I impress myself some days! Thanks for the reminder to just blog.

    Welcome to all the new bloggers out there!

    Thanks Ruth! Oh, and Elsie! I’m stealing that line!


  8. Thank you for blogging even when you don’t want to, because I am here waiting to read your thoughts. You always give me something to mentally chew on. Your list made me laugh, especially item #4. I am grateful to you for the encouragement to start a blog. The comments are addictive.


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