new co-author introduction

Introduction: Tara Smith

TMSDear TWT readers,

Thank you for the warm and enthusiastic welcome we received when Stacey announced the new TWT team on Friday.  I am so excited to be a part of this group of marvelous educators, and especially honored at Stacey’s invitation to come on board, since TWT was the inspiration for me to create a blog and begin writing about my experiences and thinking as a teacher in the first place.  Today, I’d like to take a few moments to introduce myself.

I began my working life as editor, first at Cloverdale Press and then at Macmillan.  As a Comparative Literature major and History minor from Fairfield University, I loved working in publishing, and being in the company of manuscripts, writers and booklovers. When I left Macmillan to raise my children, first Elizabeth, then Ben, and then Olivia, I always thought that some day I would return to publishing  – but that was not to be.

Twelve years, and eleven moves across four states later, I found myself as class mom in an extraordinary classroom.  This was Marcia Kaiser’s kindergarten, and I was there from time to time to help with this and that.  Watching her teach, and watching the way she inspired her students to learn, motivated me to pursue a teacher’s certification at Ramapo College, here in New Jersey.   After two years of being a mom by day and a student at night, I finally had a classroom of my own – first as a maternity substitute teacher for second grade, and then as a sixth grade “block” teacher – Language Arts, Writing Workshop, and Social Studies (my idea of teacher heaven), where I am in my ninth year.

My teaching practices have been built on work of Nancie Atwell, Lucy Calkins, the “two Dons” – Murray and Graves, and the Staff Developers at the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project (one benefit of living close to New York City, is that I can take advantage of their workshops, institutes and Saturday Reunions).

I love that I can share my passion for literature, history, and writing with my sixth graders.  Our classroom is a busy place: book clubs, projects,  discussions, gallery walks, and conferences.  But, Writing Workshop holds a special place in my heart (perhaps because I am a writer myself?), and I LOVE teaching writers.  Each new writing workshop year brings new opportunities to unlock stories, and help my students discover that, yes (surprisingly so!) even though writing is hard work, it is so rewarding.

So, readers, that is a little bit about me.  I am a mom (my most important job) of three amazing young people who make me proud every day, I am an educator, and I am still a learner – for every new day brings a new book, a new blog post, a new tweet, to push my thinking forward and inspire me to some new approach.  Teaching is an incredible profession, and I so look forward to learning and sharing with you.


35 thoughts on “Introduction: Tara Smith

  1. Tara, Welcome! It was good to see those familiar names that I have followed as well. Yes to on going learning. Even as I move to retirement I am reading and learning daily. I look forward to hearing from you more.


  2. Congratulations on your new beginning. It takes courage to start new beginnings and you obviously have that courage. I look forward to reading about your adventures. You have inspired me to make my dreams an adventure.


  3. I love hearing stories of women who became teachers as a second career. That is my story too! I continue to look forward to reading your words and learning from you, not only on your blog but here as well.


  4. I am so happy that you’re beginning this new adventure, Tara, and look forward to learning from you even more. I think I print out (or share) even more of your blog posts so I can remember that I am happy that I’ll be receiving even more. Congratulations on this new venture, and best wishes traveling down the new path! Linda


  5. Welcome Tara. It is nice to see a familiar face from weekly slices. I agree with your comment that you are fortunate to live close enough to attend professional development opportunities at TCRWP. I am glad that we will have one more person posting about those opportunities in order to get a glimpse into the learning!


    1. True – I complain about traffic in Northern New Jersey all the time, but it’s marvelous to be able to hop on the train and be at TCWRP whenever possible, too.


  6. I’m so happy I will get to read more of your thinking and learning from the resources you have available. Your professional life has had some interesting turns. Now there is a new bend in the road that will challenge and enrich. I’m looking forward to reading more.


  7. Tara, it was fun to see familiar faces last week on the new team at TWT. Thanks for sharing your journey and your learning with us. I’m envious of the work you get to do with the Staff Developers at the TCRWP (and that you have a separate class for Writing Workshop), but know that I’ll continue to learn from them because of my connection to you!


    1. Yes, I am lucky to have that Workshop period, I know many colleagues who have to carve out time from their ELA block, Ramona, which is very tricky…there is just not enough time!


  8. I am only a frequent visitor here but hope to find more time to read and write. Your heroes are mine! I even got to intern for a week at Nancie Atwell’s school in Maine. Even in my dotage it was an incredible opportunity and experience. And I count myself very fortunate that I got to hear Don Graves speak many times to the point where he would recognize me. I still re-read his work when I need to hear his voice.Looking forward to reading more about you, your writing and teaching. I am intrigued! Even though I am retired, I am active. Poetry is closest to my heart at this stage and I yearn for schools to do more with writing. I hear too often that there is not time and of course everyone is worried about meeting CCSS so they can pass the tests.


  9. Tara, another thing we have in common…3 children. I loved learning more about you. My favorite line was “for every new day brings a new book, a new blog post, a new tweet, to push my thinking forward and inspire me to some new approach. ” That is me, no matter what, always a learner. Congrats on being on the TWT team. I look forward to seeing more sharing from you.


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