
Betsy’s One Little Word of 2016

We’ve all heard someone in our life tell us, “Anything is possible.” I was beginning to think that choosing a “one little word” was going to be impossible. I had tossed around so many the past few weeks and just could not connect to one in particular. My word seemed to have chosen me the past few years and it wasn’t a big struggle. This year was different. I looked in books. I read quote after quote. I talked to my husband. I kept waiting and looking for a sign that would direct me to my word. It just wasn’t happening.

I think I was struggling so much because I really want the word to be representative of something positive. I need a driving force that I can look to when faced with uncertainty. My desire for something real led me to my word. My husband was reading to me and I suddenly yelled, “Time! That’s it!” He disagreed. In the midst of our conversation, he looked at me and said, “Possible.” There was a pause for a moment while I said the word, possible, over and over in my head, then it became audible and I said, “Yeah, possible! That embodies everything.”


I have so many goals and things I want to accomplish this year, some of which I haven’t even discovered yet. I hope my word helps me to see the possibilities in my dreams and wishes as I step forward.

When nothing is sure, everything is possible. ~Margaret Drabble

I couldn’t agree more with this quote and plan to take it as advice. Even when I am staring down at a task that seems too big and daunting I’m going to remind myself of these words. If nothing is sure then there is definitely a chance it is possible so what have I got to lose.

I hope you have enjoyed all our OLW’s for 2016. We all really look forward to this first week back when we all get to reveal our words. What OLW will you live by this year?

11 thoughts on “Betsy’s One Little Word of 2016

  1. I love words like ‘possible’ that invite so many opportunities in all parts of our lives. Such a great choice — love that you mention all the possibilities that you haven’t even discovered yet. Here’s to endless possibilities in 2016!!


  2. So many possibilities – all from your OLW – possible. When I read your post, I knew it was time for me to write my OLW post and it was possible to do it in a small window of time available. Love the quote you shared. Can’t wait to see where this word will take you in 2016! Happy New Year, Betsy!


  3. I eagerly looked forward to the end of 2015. I welcomed 2016 with renewed energy and goals and yes your one word fits in perfect with my agenda for 2016. Its is Possible that i will succeeded in all the areas that I did not have the TIME or the energy to complete.


  4. Wonderful word: POSSIBLE We have to remember to open up our world to all that is Possible. I have really enjoyed reading the #olw shared in these posts. Mine is HOPE


  5. Betsy,
    What a great week of #OLW and your “possible” is such a great fit. Love the quote “When nothing is sure, everything is possible. ~Margaret Drabble”

    Reaffirms by belief that fewer black and whites (this or only this) and a lot more “gray” really is a better place to be. Darn labels and or boxes to put things in may actually be limiting!



  6. I love this word and your quote too! Possibilities are so promising and hopeful. One of these days we have to get around to talking third grade together! 🙂


  7. In my class this week, we finished “Fish in a Tree.” Before I knew it, one of my students had written a quote and taped it to the wall. “Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says “I’m Possible.” I hope you find the possible this year. Will you re-institute Chalkabration? Is it possible?


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