slice of life · Slice of Life Story Challenge

Will You Help In March?


Can you believe it is approaching the seventh annual March Slice of Life Story Challenge?

This year we will once again be hosting two month-long Slice of Life Story Challenges in March.  Stacey will be hosting the adult blogger challenge (which you’ve seen for the past six years) and Anna will be hosting the classroom challenge for teachers whose students are participating in the SOLSC with their own blogs.  Therefore, we are once again coming to you with a request.

If you’ve participated in one or more of the March Slice of Life Story Challenges, and would be willing to assist us in all the support needed to keep this going, then please keep reading and let me know you are willing to take on one of the following roles in the form below:

  • We Need Tech Support! The first few days of the challenge are tricky for newcomers who might leave their blog url in the website field rather than in the comment field. To that end, there might be someone who includes the url to their blog, but not the unique url to their post of the day.  Since either one of these will disqualify someone from being in the running for prizes, we want to make sure we can support those people. Therefore, we’re looking for a couple of people who are available to troll the comments several times a day for the first week of the Challenge to help us contact people who linked incorrectly. Obviously, you cannot do the back-end updates to the comments like we can, but you can contact people who need help linking properly and can shoot us an e-mail a few times a day (depending on whether it’s the adult or classroom challenge), letting us know whose comments need to be fixed.
  • We Need a Concierge For Each Challenge!  Just as a hotel concierge is a wealth of information, I’m looking for at least one person who is willing to help us field questions during the entire month.  This “job” will start a week prior to the Challenge and will continue throughout the month.  You’ll be a person who will help us field general questions.  If there’s a question you cannot answer, then you can refer the person to one of us (depending on which Challenge it’s for — adult or classroom).  People who volunteer for this job should have participated in at least TWO March-long Challenges.
    • We’ll need to publish your e-mail address online if you volunteer for this job.  It’ll look like this, stacey[at]staceyshubitz[dot]com, to reduce the risk of spam.
  • We Need a Welcome Wagon! Those of you who’ve been slicing in March know it’s hard to jump in and feel comfortable leaving comments. Therefore, I’d like to find several people who are committed to supporting newcomers during the entire month.  Not only will you identify new slicers, but you’ll commit to commenting on at least three newcomers’ blogs every day for the entire month (barring any unforeseen circumstances).
  • We Need a Giveaway Guru! As many of you know, writing and sharing your slices of life for 31 days straight is a reward in and of itself, but we also offer prizes for those who stick it out to the end. We need a Giveaway Guru to keep track of who has sliced each day. This way we can determine who qualifies for a prize.

Participating daily in the Slice of Life Story Challenge is a big commitment.  Therefore, please do not volunteer for one of the jobs mentioned above if writing and linking for 31 days straight is a big enough commitment for you. If you are interested, please fill in the form below. I would like to have all jobs filled by January 15th. When I hear from you I will contact you soon with follow up information. The only people seeing your information will be me, Stacey and Anna.

Thank you, in advance, for considering one of the above mentioned roles to help our Community this-coming March.  When the SOLSC began in 2008 it was quite small.  Now there are a lot of people, if you count all of the classrooms who blog in March, participating in this writing challenge. We continue to be amazed at how it has grown and appreciate any support you can lend to us as we prepare for our Seventh Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge.

Twitter Reminder: The new hashtag for the Slice of Life Story Challenge for 2014 is #sol14. The official Two Writing Teachers hashtag is #TWTBlog!

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